Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Foster the People

Seriously obsessed right now...I needed some good music and I found it!!!
Seriously you have to listen to Miss You and I would do anything for you !!!
( I know I like using lots of exclamation points but its for good reason)

I have been feeling unsure about life lately.
Ups and Downs.
So I am so grateful for this little escape from reality.
especially during finals.

:) :)
<3 Chelsea J

my words of advice for today..

aahhh yea.

<3 Always Chelsea J

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Not Letting Go..

I made this post about dance...a long long time ago.

The one before I named "letting go"..but today I am titling it "not letting go".

I miss dance a lot.

I wish more than anything I could have started earlier.
I wish I could have made it my life.
I wish things would have been different.
The passion I feel is so strong. Its like you can see my emotions without having to say one word.
I love that part because I am a very sensitive emotional girl.
And I know I would have been good because people my dance teacher told me I had beautiful form I just needed to get stronger..which comes over time.. which I didn't have.
Its so natural for me.


And I hate talking with words when it comes to emotional things because most people will never understand or appreciate emotions beauty unless it reaches them in another form like dance or art. I guess maybe if it was a poem, but I don't really write poems or speak in them. lol

Mostly I wanted this post to focus on a new goal I have.
And it is to get into dance again. Not letting go or giving up!!
I can't change the past, but I can change the future.

I really want to try to dance again at Gaspers.
It is really hard to have time and money. But I really want to try to get back into over summer, maybe next semester..It is just so hard.

But I know. If I don't do it now, I never will..And I don't want to give up and let my past define my decisions.

This is one of my favorite songs to dance to right now : Not Over You by Gavin Degraw

I just want to encourage anyone who reads this to not let your past define your future.
Follow your passions.
and Don't let go.

<3 Always,
Chelsea Jolene