sometimes life just doesn't seem fair..why me??
Why is it always me? Left disappointed, lonely, the odd ball stuck out in the crowd?
Why am I not smart enough? or pretty enough? or popular enough???
Why is there so much competition? Why do the "bad" people always win?? Why do people have to get hurt?
Life just isn't fair sometimes. But you know that's okay.
"Struggles make you stronger and life has its own way of taking its sweet time.."
I don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know that everyone feels like this. Everyone is insecure and everyone is afraid of being the odd one out. And that's why you don't need to be sad because there will always be someone ahead of you and someone else who wins.
This Life is what makes or breaks keep holding on and be strong. It just wasn't meant to be. Everything happens for a reason and you are who you are for a reason.
Embrace the doors that open in your life.
Always be Proactive.
Never give up and always strive to be your best. :)
<3 Always,
Chelsea Jolene