Whoo!! ....
What is your current obsession?
Coloring Hello Kitty.
Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?
My gray converse shoes.
What’s for dinner?
frozen vegetables!! w/ pasta sauce
What was the last thing you bought?
..vitamin e oil
What are you listening to right now?
A DAY TO REMEMBER- homesick (new cd)
Say something to the person who tagged you:
You should give me blogging tips! haha
Favorite vacation spot?
that I've been to...Oregon. but I'd rather vacation in London.
What are you reading right now?
Kate Moss: Model of Imperfection
What four words would you use to describe yourself?
ridiculous, classy, obsessive, artistic
What is your current guilty pleasure?
cupcaaaaaaaaaakes. :]
What will be the first spring thing you do?
walk to Dairy Queen!
Where are you planning to travel next?
What was the last thing you watched?
my accounting professor talk.
That was fun!!
London in spring! I have sprring fever like mad. It is actually nice here in Minnesota.
Hope your day is as nice as mine.
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